Ok, update number 2! Bet you are all excited for this long survey! Woooo...
last cigarette: 1 year, 3 months, 15 days... and still going strong...
last car ride: I rode with Leslie to get McDonalds... mmm... grade J beef...
last kiss: Do sheep count?
last good cry: Hmm, lets see. Probably when I found out that my dog had died. That sucked.
last library book checked out: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and I turned it in 7 months late!
last movie seen: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II baby!
last book read: Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card, currently reading Speaker for the Dead which is the sequel
last cuss word uttered: "jldkjflsd!" because Everquest turned on profanity filter... damn them
last beverage drank: Huge glass of water...
last food consumed: McDonalds quarter pounder with cheese, without mustard!
last phone call: Called Beau a little earlier, and he was home...
last time showered: 10 minutes ago trying to put myself to sleep...
last shoes worn: My Birkenstock sandals, cause shoes suck
last cd played: Metallica: Ride the Lightning
last item bought: Beer last night, so Ben could just pass out on us...bum
last downloaded: Fluke - Zion from the Matrix sequel. Great song..
last annoyance: Ben passing out early....
last disappointment: Ben passing out early...
last soda drank: Would have to be Sprite from Leslie's cup...
last thing written: The configuration of my old mother board so I could put it back together...
last key used: My apt key actually..
last words spoken: I got a B!!!
last sleep: Most of the evening tonight, took a nap that lasted waaaay too long...
last im: From Danielle in St. Francisville..... ugh, noooo
last weird encounter: In my dreams I have been having weird encounters, but that opens up a whole new thought process
last ice cream eaten: Bah, ice cream does not agree with me....
last time amused: Readin random forwards from Beau, most of them are quite funny
last time wanting to die: Second semester of my sophomore year at prom. Bad night.
last time in love: I still love Everquest, despite what you critics say!
last time hugged: Hmm, last night probably.
last time scolded: When am I not scolded. It would have been from Leslie's parents telling me to get my grades already.
last time resentful: meh....
last chair sat in: My computer chair, rock solid and quite uncomfortable...
last lipstick used: I prefer soft rouge, but sometimes I get the hearty plum.... depends on my mood
last underwear worn: Boxers yesterday... hehe
last bra worn: When I was 6, my sister made me wear one on my head and go ask my mom where babies come from.
last time dancing: I dance all the time, in my head... but real dancing was probably last time I was drunk. Alcohol brings out the jiggy in me
last poster looked at: My corvette poster in my room... man they are sooo sweet
last show attended: Hmm. Probably the strip clubs we all went to last time in N'awlins
last webpage visited: Everquest forums <-- Huge dork! w00t!
Ahh, done. And for your entertainment... a monkey with a gun!