May 26, 2003 02:08
My my my... seems that not much has happened, yet a whole lot has. Ever since finals, life has been quite crazy. There are about 438294203 things that I need to accomplish this summer, yet motivation has not set in. I have become quite lazy since school ended. It has been great hanging out with friends all the time. It seems that I have been more social that I remember being lately. Everyone has just been getting together and having a great time. God bless summer, brings out the best in people.
As for myself, school went well this semester. I knew that I was going to get A's in all my classes except one. That one being the bane of my existence, physics. I was worried all semester long about what grade I would end up with in that class. If I just took my average from all my tests and homeworks, I should have gotten a C or lower. More than likely lower. So needless to say, I was worried since I had to get a B to stay in school. Well, after weeks of being scared to check my mail, I finally mustered up the courage to go get it tonight. Good news, I did not fail, and I got a B! I was kind of hoping for an A, but beggars cannot be choosers right? So yay for me.. I get to stay in school for another semester. Speaking of which, I will hopefully get to go to LSU next semester. I am excited that I might actually be taking classes in a real college. Kind of spooky, but I think that I deserve it.
On another note, my dad recently informed me of some tragic news. My step-mom's mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is 90+ years old and refuses to go see a doctor or take medication. It is sad to see someone ready to die, someone who just wants to give up. I know Patricia is upset about it, so I have been civil with her in our e-mails. I hate to see someone suffering. Something inside of me is actually a kind-hearted person when I want to be. I hope she passes without pain....
With Patricia's mom being ill, my dad has changed his summer travel plans now. He has decided to come visit us towards the end of June and early July. Us being my sister and I. He wants me to meet him in Shreveport the last weekend of June so we can buy a car for me. I am excited! I will finally be getting rid of the queer bubble for good. No more jokes on me! (should have never told anyone my name for it....) I don't know what I will end up with, but I am sure it is going to be nice. Probably just a basic 4-door car with low mileage and reliable name. There are cars that I want, but I will take just about anything really. I just want something that I can drive on the interstate in without having to yell at the person next to me.
As for life issues, I am doing quite well. I cannot really complain about anything in particular. I mean, I wish that I had a better job, but I figure having two crap jobs will equal a good one right? sigh... I will be working at Radio Shack and the Dollar Tree all summer long, so feel free to drop by and say hello if you are ever in the Siegen area. It is just good to be hanging out with old friends, and having new ones come back from school. (Welcome back!) With that said, I shall end this rant. I am tired and have to get up a little earlier than normal. Till next time, peace...