X'Mas cards 2009

Nov 25, 2009 20:58

I'm trying to get a head start on X'mas cards this year. I made a brief list based off of lj friends. I'm sure I will be adding more to it. If you're under people on my list already, then that means that I have your address, but if you've moved recently and I don't know please tell me so I can update my address book. I think if you're under people I need addresses from, that's pretty self explanatory.

People on my list already:
_candy_pop_, crashboomkisses & Corn, boku_no_hanabi, callhomicide, cowboyfromheck, densetsu13 & Franny, gcmoffmoorex & Tony, jimmathon, jupiterprince, koneko4serious, legally_scarlet, maggieruthless & mybloodyzombie (???? Is your address the same ????), strawberimilk, trainer_kelly, will154,

People I need addresses from:
fisqual & Alan, heatherchan, mew2, opiv22, surrealisme, yukarikiss

If you're not on any of these lists and you want to be, comment here, and email me, or you can lj message me with your address.

If you want to send me a card, my address is posted here in this friends only post. If you're reading this and not on my lj friends list, let me know and I can give you the address.


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