Oct 25, 2004 23:18
We all know how we'd like to react to those situations.
Those big situations that could change your life in significant ways.
Do you stay and fight when a friend's in trouble?
When your not there you say Yes, but when the time comes, just follow your blur as you run faster than you've ever ran before.
I need clarification, I need closure. That's the trouble meeting people, when do you really know when your truely friends, and when they wouldn't run in your time of need, or turn away when you need help.
I'd like to think I'm the guy who stays and fights, that I'm the guy who wouldn't run and the guy that would help. But until we're in those situations can you really say who you are? I've been on the recieving end's of people running and turning but can I be really upset, for would I just do the same given the circumstances? I guess time will tell, I hope I won't