Aug 05, 2007 20:18
Hey everyone,
It's been a while since I've posted. I've basically forgot about this thing. One day I realized how important something like a journal can be. It's a place to talk to.
This summer has been filled with many amazing experiences and many disappointments.
What has Tyler been up to:
-Changed internships to end up in a firm I don't belong it. I guess internships are for learning. At least I got a lot of great experience.
-Went backpacking around Eastern Europe for 2.5 weeks.
-Went on a 4 day kayaking trip with my parents.
-Other stuff, I'm bored of listing now.
Something that I've been working a lot on is this little street fashion blog.
I basically approach strangers, take their picture, and post it on the internet. I work with an adorable girl, Ellen, who started it but who also really needs to post more. Suddenly this summer I was thrown into a world of strangers in the Minneapolis fashion community. An entirly new group to meet. I have never felt so reminded of my first time entering drama club in high school. Again I'm adventuring on my own to enter a new and obscure community. I got offers to help out with local fashion magazines, to work as a fashion columnist for a Korean street fashion magazine, to be a fashion event photographer, to be a stylist, and on and on. I want to do everything and push this far, but it's not where my focus needs to be right now. It's so hard to push those opportunities aside for school and interior design (a place that I still have passion for, but know there will be frequent road bumps to get to where I truly want to be). So I monitor the ammount of opportunity I can take with this, realize my own limitations (I'm really not qualified to work as a photographer), and have to regretfully say no. This is hard when sometimes I'll I want to do is say goodbye to school, goodbye to the idea of a 9-5 work week, and just explore and create my own world as I've seen similar other people do.
I'm working on a proposal for my capstone project for honors at school. This is basically an extra thesis project that I get to just *slide* into my senior year. yuck. I'm frustrated with the honors program right now. I want to leave it (I no longer need it to validify my own intelligence and consume time that I could be using to attain different goals) but I know I need to stay in it to finish paying for my schooling. So I continue to jump through hoops.
I'm in the mood to go clean something then maybe get some coffee. See all of you later. Hope everyone has been well.