
Jun 21, 2011 10:22

I just picked up the six volume set of Swinburne's Letters published by Yale. In it is a pen and ink self portrait of Swinburne from a letter in which he says this is what I look like now, destroy this letter immediately after reading or I will quarrel with you for ever. Thankfully she did not, as so much of his correspondence is still missing. I am unclear if he quarreled with her for ever yet. This goes well with Swinburne Replies which are his letters about his critics, the 2 volume set of letters, but not with A Years Letters which is an novel which was published heavily expurgated and to which he did not own up to writing till much later in his life,  now available uncensored. I am still looking for The Uncollected Letters, ABE has some, but still a little too high. he is a great letter writer, I will post some excerpts soon.
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