Apr 05, 2005 13:44
Hello everybody. I have been pretty busy lately but I have a couple minutes before my powertrain class so I'll throw a quick update on here. We dont have internet in our dorms yet so it may be a few days before we put any pictures on, I have a ton to show you all.
The plane ride was pretty good, I sat next to a lady and her husband from door county who were going to greece who were very nice and gave us some tips. We did not get any sleep on the plane though, it wasn't very comfortable. When we got in the zurich airport we didn't have any plans as to what to do since the representative from the university would not be there until 11:00 the next day. Yusuf, Mike, and I put our large bags in lockers and went to some busses to ride somewhere, hopefully to downtown zurich. We couldn't understand what the bus driver said but the gist of it was we only had enough franks to get to the next stop, and there wasn't much there. Thats when we realized we could use our Eurail pass to take the train. After getting it activated we hopped on a train and arrived in downtown Zurich.
I have to go to class but I will continue once I have the chance. I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for all your comments!