Aug 27, 2007 03:00
I have two points I want to mention today, the first being more convoluted, the second being more meaningful (to me).
the first point I want to mention is that, upon coming to terms with my increased rage these days (and the accompanying assholiness), I want to briefly list (and not take the time I should to explain why) several myths that get me insanley angry, and what is wrong about them:
1) The Bush government did not conspire to cause 9/11
2) Sylvia Browne and her psychic ilk cannot commune with the dead
3) Tarot cards cannot reveal your destiny
4) There was no gunman on the grassy knoll
5) Marriage is not a sacred instiution, and if it were, gay marriage will not erode it. (likewise, there is no such thing as a traditional family)
6) The moon landing was not faked
7) Area 51 was not visited by aliens
8) Jesus is not coming back
9) Islam IS a violent religion
10) Canada is not a haven of acceptance, tolerance and freedom
11) Michael Moore, however, IS a douchebag.
12) There is no liberal/conservative bias in the media, just a stupid/capitalist/sensationalist/lazy/American/caucasian bias.
13) Nothing in the New Age section of your local book store is worth the paper it's printed on
14) The debate on evolution exists culturally, but not in the scientific community. Scientists have long agreed on this one.
15) Religion (or its various texts) does not provide an underlying moral foundation.
16) Homosexuality is not a choice.
17) There is no heaven or hell.
17) When it comes to the points mentioned above, I'm right.
That felt good.
But the second point I wish to mention feels bad. Mallory is leaving for Winnipeg today to begin her Master's degree in Canadian History. Mallory, you've made me happier than I could have expected in a summer which would otherwise have been miserable. You're going to do fantastic in your courses and you're going to feel a deep sense of fullfillment that is mostly reserved for shrinky-dinks and heroine. You don't need me to tell you good luck, so I'll just tell you (publically, and in private) how much I'll miss you.