Part two of Steve and Mallory's Fantabulous vacation is done, and cottaging and Ottawa were fun. Kayaked for the first time, went to the now-defunct "
Diefenbunker", lots of driving, and explored Ottawa in ways I havent been able to before. I learned something about our nation's capital: HUGE homeless problem. Rideau st., and the surrounding area was lovley, vibrant and energetic, and then the sun went down. When the sun goes down on Rideau, the crazies come out to play. I don't mind homelessness (except in the obvious way, in that homelessness exists), but the Ottawa breed was a particularly frightening ilk.....some of them even had the "crazy-eye", the kind where they might jump you if you looked at them funny....or at all.
Anyway, as I promised on several occasions, here are some long-awaited pictures, in chronological order.
Firstly, the book expo, with a StephenTown Radio-like pose (cut off, is the thumbs-up I'm making) at the Metro-Toronto Book-Sellers Expo
Another trip to Toronto,
The first, really kick-ass cute picture of Genghis, all cuteness on display:
Taking Mallory back to my old stomping (tom) grounds:
Fort Henry:
Does YOUR city hall look this bad-ass? Kingston's does.
Like I said, In the United States, Jesus is everywhere. Fucked up.
and Finally, what trip to the U.S. would be complete without a trip to a lame-ass lame-wad restaraunt where lame-wads eat? T.G.I. Fridays was happy to oblige, as evidenced by the ear-splitting welcome in a new-york accent, "Hi! Welcome to Fridays!"
Sorry for the lack of LJ Cut. I'm not cool enough. Too lazy. Too Brilliant.