2013 Nova Awards: The Winners

Nov 11, 2013 15:00

The 2013 Nova Awards for excellence in UK and Irish fanzines were announced by Novacon 43 GoH Jo Walton on Sunday. A total of 29 valid ballots were received, half electronically. The top three in each category were as follows:

Fanzine: 1, Banana Wings, ed. Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer (25 points); 2, Head, ed. Doug Bell & Christina Lake (23); 3, A Meara For Observers, ed. Mike Meara (22).
Writer: 1, Mike Meara (19); 2, Julian Headlong (18); 3, Roy Kettle (16).
Artist: 1, D West (34); 2, Harry Bell (31); 3, Sue Mason (8).

In view of the fact that I'm chairing Novacon 44, offers of assistance with next year's Novas would be most welcome.

novacon, nova awards

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