Title: Deafening Silence - Chapter 5 of 5
silmanumenelDisclaimer: Still not mine.
Rating: PG-13, for some language
Pairing: Danny/Steve, pre-slash, will turn into slash
Warnings: Angst - and now also fluff, so... Flangst?
Final Word Count: Overall: 18.316 - Chapter 5: 6.210
Summary: Danny is behaving strangely and no one knows why. When Steve finally finds out, he might not like the answers he gets.
Notes: So, this is the last chapter, I've been tweaking it so much that I'm just a bit unsure about it now. But thanks for all your encouragement, I've loved all of your comments. :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 - Can you come over...