Contemplating 10 years of War Sgt York, Terrorism and Henry Rollins...

Nov 28, 2008 23:24

Black Friday and folks full of turkey and waiting in line to snaga deal in one of the most diabloical days created by our consumerism while our soldiers and people overseas continue to die for our limited so-called freedom...
Comtemplating it so much that I am just too angry, and have to write about how it has been ten years now since I was at Ohayocon and holding aloft a plastic AK 47 that I borrowed from a Cosplayer pal to make a point.We had just bombed Afghansitan for the first time in response to the Sept 11 attack, and I held the gun at opening ceremonies and stated that I hoped one day soon that weapons like these would be viewed in museums and never be used again.
Standing ovation ofcourse, and what a insightful thing to say from the Barney Fife of Gun collectors and Military History enthuthiasts.
Low and behold a few months later President Bush stated "Mission accomplished" and the we breathed a sigh of relief that the war is over.
It is now ten years later and one week before I leave the USA so that Nikki can help our Military fighting forces prepared and ready to continue to shed blood if necessary to keep us free....We are still fighting enemies more imagined than real!
Just got finished watching the classic Gary Cooper movie "Sgt York" for the first time since I was a kid while keeping watch over my ailing Veteran father In-Law who served our country like my father did in Vietnam
Frome time to time I would take him to his hospital appointments at Walter Reed hospital and see so many wounded soldiers there suffering their pains as he goes through his own.
"Sgt York" is about a concientious objector who had to come to terms to set aside his beliefs and do his duty in WWI and earned the Medal Of Honor doing what he had to do to get his men home safely.
Shortly there after Harry Rollins was on TV and his closing statements brought me to thinking of my own about how we "Either should be eaten by Crocodiles or change the World!" to his audience at a performance in Israel.
It's been ten long years now....We all laughed during Gulf War One when Saddam Hussien insisted that the "Mother Of All Battles" has yet to occur, and that War with Iraq will become America's next Vietnam.
We sure as hell are not laughing now are we?
Rollins, York, and men (and women!) like my Dad & father In-Law did and say what makes a difference for me, you and all the generartions of people to follow in our footsteps to live by.
I hope for all our sakes that 2009 and foward will finally see an end to war and the stupidity that continues to perpetuate from our greedy indifference to change and accept peace and love with those we call the enemy.
I sincerely hope you think Rollin's words over while you sit dissapointed that you did not geta better deal on some dumb consumer goods today, or bitch about how high gas is still and can't afford blah 'n blah...
You know what, think about waht you can do to make life better over for yourself and others.
Lord knows I try to do what is right myself...
And honestly as well, fuck you too if you are too wrapped up in petty shit to give a damn about some strangers in Mumbai hurt or dying, or some unknown by you soldier yet added to the ever growing KIA list overseas.
Fuck black friday and shopping...give to charity and help out people in need.
You will feel loads bettet youyrself when you know there is so much to life out there that you have to offer it instead of the other way arround.
Think about it and act.
Does the next generation really derserve the bullshit we pass on because we did nothing to make a difference and change?
I sincerly hope that change for the better will come in 2009.
God/s bless all those in in uniform defending us right or wrong.
Let us all effect change and help those suffering and in need.
There is unity through strength,love, and hope by doing so.

I will be speaking my mind more and more on the war and other concerns, especialy whenever I am back home in the USA while we are overeseas.
Rollins, you said it man!
Stop yer bitchin' and get to work makin' it a better world!
Love and peace sincerely to you all out there...
Now go out there and be better people for yourselves and for the world at large, and stop bitching about how expensive some cel phone is....

California, get your head out of your ass and let our Gay brother's and sisters be just as happy and or misserable together like the rest us married folks are!!
Fucking odd how traditional conservative east coast states like Massachuesttes allow it!
(Guess what, even stodgy Ol'Virgina is taking more babysteps for the better as well in that aspect!)
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