Feb 04, 2008 21:02
Dear Ladies,
(Fellah's and all Women in general are always welcome here with me of course but this particular post is directed to all "Women Of Color" ou there in the wide wornderful world of Livejournal!)
Sorry for this mass impersonal-at-the-moment post here so to speak.
I figured this was the best way to get my plea out all at once while I have a short break in my busy work schedule here tonight.
Your friendly neighborhood Japanese Animator artist buddy Steve Bennett here with a plea of help from all the lovely Ladies of Color that I know of so far!
Yes, I do know lots of folks (especially women hehehehe!) out there but I really need your help since I stay in touch with you all more on a regular basis one way or another of sorts!
(If you have not heard from me lately, you know you can always drop me a line first as well since communication is a two way street of course!~)
The help I need is thus.
I know lots about women in general (Again it is I, Steve Bennett after all hehehehe!) but I need help more with general information about African/Middle Eastern/Hispanic Women across the board.
As most of you may know, I am currently working on a brand new web comic called Angel of St Thomas
www.angelofstthomas.com which features practically an entirely black cast besides the main character's of Carlita and family. Yeah yeah, I could look things up on the Internet and such but as you all know, I have slow dial-up and hate using the computer as it is already
I would much rather ask all my lovely lady friends of color out there to help me out instead period!
This is your chance to help me create a very cool/authentic comic starring "Women Of Color!"
(Sorry I sound so PS saying that but after all, I am an Male of Color myself hehehehe!)
You will all have my undying love, gratitude and loyalty with all the help you can give me in any way, shape or form.
What I need are the following:
A, Beauty tips, make-up appliance,fingernails, etc for women of color,
What color eye-liner goes well with brown eyes etc.
I want lots of details overall!
B, Fashion tips.
Clothes,Shoes, Jewelry, Hair styles etc
What colors go well with different outfits and even different shades of skin tones etc?
( I even need to know what color/type underwear as well! Asian women prefer White for everyday wear, and Pink to rev up a relationship! What do American WOC prefer to wear regularly and/or drive their lovers crazy with? )
C, What would WOC find attractive/un-attractive about Men in general?
I have to draw males after all as well, and I want totally the woman's opinion rather than just rely on my Black Male buddies' self inflated opinions of what Women like and dislike about themselves hehehe!
D, Any cultural tips, help and information with be appreciated as well!
E, Any photos I can have for reference of any kind will be appreciated!
Lord knows I want an authentic comic as much as possible. Drives me nuts when American create/draw what is supposed to be "Japanese" characters and get it all wrong without researching my people properly!!
I do not want to be that way at all while drawing a good story chronicling the adventures of Carlita and the Denizens of the Island of St. Thomas
This is your chance to be a part of something big here with me!
(Heck, we may even get to thank you and credit you in the book version whenever that comes out! )
I really appreciate your time, opinions .suggestions, ideas, and help with this.
I of course will respond and communicate with you all on a personal level of course.
I am always happy to hear from each and everyone of you at al times and hope to see/hear back from you all shortly in general.
Much love and huge thanks in advance to you all!
Steve Bennett
can live with them always!,