Transylmania mess

Dec 11, 2009 14:55

The movie Transylmania came out last week. It looked like one of those parody comedies that would be good for a laugh as a rental. Usually despite low expectations they do okay at the box office but this one bombed.

And I mean bombed. Record-setting, full nuclear winter bombed!

They launched it on 1007 screen (1000+ makes it a major release) and it took in only $263,941. That's about $262 for each screen. That means it's very possible that some showings played to empty theatres.

That's mind blowing how bad that is.

UPDATE: Week Two, they yanked it off all but 118 screens. It still managed only $15,400 all weekend ($131 a screen). In total it's only taken in $390,000. This has to be the worst a movie has ever done at the box office.

I would never have guessed this. I figured it would have done $5 million without a problem.
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