Sep 09, 2004 16:44
this is the weirdest year of schoool iv ever had. its crazy being in grade 11, seeing so many new faces, ppl i dont know at all and sooom many of them (niners) i really want to get to knw them, but dont really know how, i supose track, cross country, stonehaus, peer leaders, and just wondering the halls and hanging. i'll get it yet. but just being in gr 11 is strange. my classes and teachers are ok, scared about applied, i am bad at math and will need to work hard. clothing is gona be really good and really bad. small class, all girls. oh well, i want to sew a track suit and a rip off real suit. i hope i will be able to. lit with steve d will go ok, jordans there. and phys ed leadership will be really good, i hope lots of ppl drop it cux it a big class. its just like, identical to my tech course last year. we do anything sports related that need to get done, like today we put up the soccernets. and also have a bunch of paperwork and theory teaching, at the end we need 40hrs of sporting realated stuff. so like scorkeeping and lines and stuff. i will enjoy it i think i have time for it, i could do the jv stuff too, fun fun. volley ball stats are confusing right now but once i finish the book it should get better, i hope to do a good job. i just barly bought the stryper cd , i didnt like the first song yet but its in my head. i probably will grow to love it. youth was strange too cuz of all the niners, sooo many and i dont know them and i hate not knowing ppl. but yeah its bigger now, and should be good, some more (any acctually) of my closer friends would be nice for certain things but w.e. i am probably going to be on the youth exec. i guess that means that anything fun that need s to get planned is up to me, it could be great but it depends who im working wiht, if rhonda does it it will be great i think. i am getting stressed out thinking about everything i am going to do, and thats bad cuz nothing has really started so i shold not worry. so yeah, working on that. im waiting to get in to the swing of things and the pattern so then its all gona be easier i think, its a time of transition. im pretty sure history with wilson will be fun, i like history and wilson. i cant wait for cross counrty to start, G is gona get me some workout thing so i can go 6 days a week. thats awesoem. and me and kailey will do that, even if she doesnt know it. we will win. or somthing., going running with her at 10 15 tonite. should be fun. track will be soooo good. im already on the look out for athelets i can suck in to the track world. i give them no choice. (displays the re-enforeced elbow) yup im pumped, talked to reba today a lil bit. josh left yesterday, prayers there. thats another thing, need to get the prayer meetings going, cuz thas a rawkin thinkg to do. stonehaus helps this year. wahoo. i need to listen to stryper yet. i was given the idea not to wear deoderand for a weeek, thats scary. and also to wear a shirt for every day of school, like on the 5th day of school, wear 5 shirts. that would be a lot. i need to relax, and read and pray lots more, devos can be hard but lifes harder with out thtme, i need to stay in focus, not a lot on earth matters in 100 years. so i need to look at all i do and make it all matter.