hiking, party, family

Jun 26, 2010 21:22

This morning I went on a hike in Seattle, in Discovery Park. It was cool and peaceful there when I arrived, but it got warmer and busier as time passed.
When I got to the shore, the tide was very low. It was full Moon today, with a partial lunar eclipse early in the morning, which makes tides more extreme; apparently when I was there it was near the low extreme. I found a few shells.

After finishing up the hike, I went to a Fool Serious party, celebrating the recently finished Seattle International Film Festival. Turnout was very large this year; it seemed like about twice as many people as the past few years. The party was a lot of fun. I didn't have time to prepare my own pot-luck contribution, so I brought a carrot cake from Metropolitan Market.

After the Fool party, I went back to Bellevue for a family gathering. Like the Thursday gathering, my parents hosted my grandmother, two uncles, and an aunt. I arrived a bit late due to a detour and Seattle traffic, and my brother had already returned to his place. We had one additional guest, a friend. The main dish was turkey; it was very good. Dessert was strawberry shortcake; my father had found really good strawberries at the Redmond farmers' market.

I took quite a few pictures in each occasion, but they're still in my camera. I might add them to my journal later, but given my recent record of posting pictures it's probably more likely that they'll just sit in my camera until I copy them to a computer, then sit there forgotten.

Update: I didn't mention it at the time, but I was with "J" on all these events.

food, siff 2010, exercise 201x, family

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