three films, returning floorboards

May 20, 2019 22:40

Today, "J" and I went to three more SIFF press screenings. The third was a dud, and worse, it overlapped just enough with something that sounded better that we weren't able to go to the (presumably) better film. We've seen all of the other early evening shows, and didn't want to wait around for any of the middle or late evening shows, so we called it a day early.
The morning film was The Announcement, a Turkish deadpan comedy about a small group of military and retired military officers tasked with taking over Radio Istanbul and announcing a coup. It's hilarious, but there are a lot of slow moments between the gags, so it's very unlike typical US comedy.
The noon film was Fly Rocket Fly, a German documentary about the world's first private space rocket enterprise, which was in the 1970s, long before SpaceX, Blue Origin, or any others. Unexpectedly for a non-music documentary, the score was excellent. I thought it was very good.
The afternoon film was All My Loving, a German film about three 40-something siblings, each with their own upper middle class problems. Other than some good to very good acting, there's very little to recommend about the film; I rate it lackluster.
Before heading home, we stopped in at the SIFF Lounge and cashed in our catalog coupon and poster coupon. I'm not sure we'll hang this year's poster though; we're already using most of our poster space on posters we like better.
Logistics permitting, we might have liked to see the late Bellevue screening of Miriam Lies, but fortunately it will have several Seattle screenings late in the festival, so we're not out of luck yet.
In the evening, after a yummy pasta stew J treated us to, I loaded up eight boxes of floorboards - 128 boards - into the service loaner "monster truck" and took them to the local Home Depot. Normally, I just write "the usual big-box store", but this time Home Depot gets a mention by name for great customer service. Those floorboards cost around $450, and they ranged from slightly deficient to pretty badly defective. But they were past the normal 90 day return deadline. After some puzzling over the return, the two guys at the returns counter managed to get the return to go through. They were actually a bit surprise. It's store credit, but I'll use it up eventually as long as I don't lose the card.
So, with that, I'm one step closer to being done for real on the flooring project, rather than just done installing actual floorboards. Remaining steps include reinstalling baseboards in places I haven't done that, adding trim to the edges of the stairs, installing a new outer skirtboard on the stairs, fixing up some spots where the floorboards had gaps or other defects that are conspicuous enough to be worth fixing, and finding permanent homes for the furniture that is away from its home to make way for floor work.

film 201x, floors, customer service, siff

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