Aug 20, 2011 12:23
It's hard to believe that I have already completed the first week of my fifth year of teaching. Sometimes I go back in these livejournal posts and I think it's insane that I've been keeping up with this thing since I was a sophomore in college. And to get technical, I had a blog on ujournal for three or four years before that! I'm so glad I've (somewhat) kept up with this for so long, because growing up, I always wanted to write in a journal, but I was too lazy to handwrite my thoughts or memories in an actual notebook. I've found it much easier to quickly type out a post every once in a while and as long as LJ doesn't go under anytime soon (unlike ujournal.. ugh), my memories won't be at risk of being lost in a move.
Anyway, this year is making me feel like I've gone back in time to my first. Since my first year of teaching, I looked forward to getting my 8th grade rosters to see if I would have any of my former 7th graders again and I loved being able to see two years' worth of growth and building relationships. Last year was the first year that there was an advanced section of 7th grade science and because I already had a split schedule, I got those classes. This meant that instead of having two preps (Physical Science for 8th, Life Science for 7th), I only had one! It was such a relief! But, those kids moved up to our first advanced sections of 8th grade science this year, which is Earth Science. I'm sticking with my schedule of teaching Physical Science all day, so this year I had no chance of seeing familiar faces in any of my classes. I think that built up my nerves a little more for the first day of school, but in a way, it was also exciting to have 120 new kids this year to influence and guide. To think of all the new relationships just waiting to be formed - and praying for God to give me opportunities to show love to all of these children - intimidates and thrills me at the same time. Now that we've been through one week together, I'm very encouraged that it's going to be a good year! It'll be very full because I've never been responsible for this many kids before, but... good.
My Sweet Briar program officially ended in June with a conference about our experiences throughout the year with teaching inquiry in our classes. We were informed that we wouldn't get the other half of our program check ($500) until after we completed our final (unofficial) duty to the class: presenting a staff development opportunity at our schools. It was vague enough for me to be totally overwhelmed with figuring out what to do, but in my discussion with one of the professors, I found that I could do something as simple as giving a presentation to the other science teachers in my school. In other words, to a total of four people as opposed to the entire faculty. I liked the sound of that. During our teacher work week, we had a scheduled department meeting, so I took the first ten minutes or so to walk my colleagues through the process of open inquiry, which means the students decide how they want to investigate a question of their choice within the unit we're studying. In the middle, a couple of people from the school board snuck in, which automatically made me terrified. I somehow made it through without passing out and found that our surprise guests had actually come to talk with us about converting our methods of teaching to be more inquiry-based, and they were happy that I had provided that introduction for them. Boy, was I relieved! Now, for that check?? Shouldn't there be a bonus attached for impressing the school board?
Last week, we received an email from one of the SBC professors offering another $100 if we will redo our first inquiry lesson we had to do at the very beginning of last year. This includes re-writing the lesson to submit and allowing them to come in and video the whole thing. Um.. sign me up, please!
Lastly on the academic front, I've wanted to get my master's for years and I've finally settled on what I'd like to study. I found an online program at ODU for Library Science and I've begun the application process! I'm basically just waiting on a couple of recommendation forms to be returned to me so I can send in my application and resume for review. Application review begins November 1st, and if accepted, I could begin the program as soon as January! According to the proposed schedule posted online, this program will most likely take two years to complete. I'm wondering if I would have the option of stretching it out in case I'm overwhelmed with the workload, but I'm also very excited about the possibility of being a student again! I LOVE teaching, but I also like the idea of having the option to move into other areas of the school. I'll just have to see where God leads with this new path and until then, I'll enjoy my life as it is and take one day at a time.
sweet briar,