It's a little harder than I thought it would be..

Feb 24, 2009 21:54

Quick missions fundraising update:

I got a trickle of donations within the first week of sending out letters, then went through a dry spell for about a week and a half. Doubts started to creep in: Did I pursue something that God doesn't really want for me? I'm going on faith here, but there's got to be some monetary support from somewhere.. and sending out 120 letters only to hear from 4 people was really hurting my hope and trust. But Friday and Saturday saw an outpouring of love and blessings as my funds tripled through a few generous additions. It's exciting to see how I'm slowly building a foundation of support in prayer and finances that will ultimately send me on a faith adventure. I'm glad to share this with my friends and family!

More to come on what I've been reading recently (Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot and To Live is Christ by Beth Moore).. they've definitely been doing a lot to show me where my heart needs to be during this time of preparation.

Current funds raised: $330.

To go: ~$3700-4000, depending on the cost of the ticket to JFK to connect with the rest of the team.. What a journey!!

missions, faith

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