So, last night mum & I made strawberry creme squares. Tonight, I ate almost a half a pan of them all by myself. Mum and Dad had one or two each, the rest was all me! I can't decide if I feel like I'm going to throw up or if I feel like more..... XD
Snagged from
mcgarrygirl78. Here we go...............
1. What movie have you seen the most times in the theater? How many times?
*thinks* I don't think I've ever seen a movie in a theater more than once... WAIT! I saw Baby Mama twice, I believe.
2. What was the last movie you walked out of in the theater?
--I've never walked out. I already paid, might as well see if the credits are interesting.
3. What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
--The Grinch.
4. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
--The Rose
5. Have you ever dressed up as a movie character for Halloween? If so, who?
--*blushes* Yeah. Ariel from the Little Mermaid. (And not when I was cute & little - this was in 2006, I believe).
6. What was the first R-rated movie you ever saw? Were you allowed or did you sneak?
--Hmmm… The Sweetest Thing, some friends and I went with their sister. So allowed, I guess.
7. Star Wars (orig. trilogy) or Lord of the Rings?
8. Pacino or DeNiro?
--Oh, both. I love them, even in their occasional bouts with the Overactitis. XD
9. Titanic...did it suck or was it great?
--Suck. Although it was almost funny in its suckitude.
10. What's your take on Cassavetes?
--Ummm, no idea. I've never seen anything by him.
11. Favorite John Hughes character?
--Oh God. All of them. I adore Uncle Buck, but then you’ve got The Great Outdoors and Planes, Trains and Automobiles in there. And geez - Bueller, too. I think I’ll stick with Uncle Buck Russell as my all time favourite, though. I *LOVE* that movie.
12. What movie gives you a boner (or makes you tingle)?
--Hmmm…OH! Business of Strangers. Uhh, yeah. *flails & passes out*
13. What movie always makes you cry like the big puss you are?
--I‘m not a big movie crier. Beaches makes me choke up a little bit every time, though. Actually, so does Uncle Buck. XD
14. What's the furthest you've ever gotten in a movie theater? (i.e, second base...)
--Oh man, I never use the bases metaphors, they’re just so bad, LOL! Anyways. If I must use baseball metaphors, second, sorta sliding into third.
15. Speaking of sports metaphors, what's your favorite sports movie?
--Remember the Titans and/or A League of Their Own.
16. (a) Favorite... teen movie?
--What defines teen movie? Does Grease count? Or maybe Juno?
(b)...Quentin Tarantino movie?
--I’ve honestly never seen a Tarantino movie. I know I need to watch Reservoir Dogs, so everyone says, and I will someday. I just haven’t gotten round to it yet.
(c)...Bill Murray movie?
--Does is have to be a movie? ‘Cause I really wanna say SCTV. XD
(d)...romantic comedy?
--Oh God, I’ve seen so many of them. Probably Mickey Blue Eyes. If that doesn’t count, That Old Feeling or Must Love Dogs.
(e)...gangster movie?
--The Godfather, unless Mickey Blue Eyes counts. XD
(f)...horror movie?
--I hate horror movies.
(g)...made for TV movie?
--I… don’t really think I have one.
--Mark Rydell, Rob Reiner, or John Hughes, I think.
(i)...drug movie?
--The Rose again, I guess.
17. What movie have you seen already but will never, ever, ever watch again?
--The Hulk.
18. What movie are you embarrassed to really like?
--*hides face* What Women Want. I really want to hate it because of Mel Gibson, but…
19. What movie should be remade asap?
--Remakes tend to be pretty crap. So I’ll go with none.
20. What the F happened to (insert answer)? He used to be so damn funny!
--Danny DeVito! Where’s he been hiding? I haven’t seen him in a movie in forever. The fact that he’s married to Rhea Perlman makes me want to fan girl them jointly. XD
21. For the love of everything that's sacred, please someone stop (insert answer) from making another movie!
--M. Night Shyamalan.
22. What movie do all your friends love but you think is whatevs?
--The Lord of the Rings stuff.
23. What movie do you love but all your friends think is whatevs?
--Probably The Rose. They don’t think it’s whatevs so much as they just don’t understand my level of devotion. XD
24. If you could hump/date/marry any movie character, who would it be?
--I suppose saying everyone Bette Midler ever played would be tacky?
--THE ROSE! Stupid question. ;)
26. Book you wish would be made into a movie, and who would direct it?
--A Complicated Kindness. I’d take any of the directors I listed as favourites, but Mark Rydell would be my first choice since he’s the most likely to cast Bette in it. XD Seriously though, I think that book (which I already love) could be a fab movie without ruining it.