May 26, 2009 00:17
Rhapsody calved tonight, around 11. He's freakin' gigantic! Gorgeous, dark colour, with brown around the eyes and a red neck. He oughta be gorgeous, breed standard material. :D We were all set to name him Vinny, like the movie, until I realized the letter V gets skipped, so it's a W year. Name ideas? Note that you can't use Will, because that's my nephew's name, and might result in some awkward conversations when he eventually fulfills the beef cattle's role in the world.....
So yes! Gorgeous, giant calf, nursing well, walking around, finding the tits on his own now that we showed him where they were and what you've gotta do with them a few times, LOL! We had a minor setback for a few minutes when Dad was helping him get on his feet, and then he finally got up and was convinced Dad was his mamma. Mum thought she was going to lose her wedding ring, he was sucking her fingers so hard. Mum said something about being worried he wouldn't find her tits on his own, and I said he's a boy, he'll figure it out soon enough. Mum giggled. XD
I was all set to post about how much I failed at work today (they were having me cold call EVERY REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE PHONE BOOK WITH NO 'SCRIPT' FOR WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY! Wtf, that is all I have to say to that... crazy boss is crazy, as usual) and horses and other such, but yay baby calf!
Also, I got Barenaked Ladies "Talk to the Hand: Live in Michigan" CD/DVD set for seven bucks at my beloved used record store. Awesome deal is awesome. The DVD alone is listed at $19.99 on their site. *has been listening all day* Apparently BNL has an ice cream flavour with Ben & Jerry's that's only available here in the Great White North... "If I Had a Million Flavours". *giggles* Those boys. I &hearts them.
It is now 1 am. I predict a late night/early morning situation for Sterling. :D Happy Tuesday, dudes!
barenaked ladies,
parental units