So, I don't know if I've ever mentioned this or not, because I am so very goshdarned private about my fangirling, OBVIOUSLY, but Bette Midler is kind of really, really, excessively awesome. Just FYI, y'know, in case you weren't aware. XD
I don’t wish I was younger. I think I look fabulous just as I am. I think I look better these days than I ever did. I don’t know how it happened. It’s not all natural. I have the best beauty squad in the business looking after my hair, my face. I don’t look like this first thing in the morning. But I do have great legs. I had the famous Midler pins. It’s nothing to do with anything except good genes. On my new album cover, they blasted the airbrushes at my face, but my legs are totally untouched.
OMG I CAN'T EVEN. *falls over and dies*
{link is potentially NSFW, depending on where you work. Personally, I think all workplaces should make exceptions for the famous Midler pins, but that might just be me.}