Oct 28, 2008 20:53

HAHAHHAHAHA!!!! UNDEAD it kills me. XD

its been awhile. hm. ok so im making pretty bangin money now days. im pretty amazed at how much people want MY art. its just vaginas people. geez. lol

ok i am munchin like a mutha fucka yo. i want donuts. mmmm..... frashly made, hot krispy creams dripping with glaze and fatty goodness. (=P.....


so. my room has no power now. i cant turn on lights or anything. we are getting an electrician in tomorrow. sigh. alot of electrical issues going on around the world lately. hm..

ive been scaring myself lately with all the shows on tv about ghosts and shadow people. lol im a dork. but i like being scared. but i hate being scared alone! and im alone here. =*( i wanna get good and scared and then snuggle down with a cuddly person so we can hold onto each other for dear life and freak out at sounds and shadows on the wall and accidentally get turned on beyond belief and then fuck hardcore style with no mind to the ghosts in the room. im horny. DAMN IT!

i havent been laid in a while. i just realized. sigh. not that it would matter. its not like i got off with anyone recently anyway. it makes me sad! im into it at the beginning and then, they suck. and they have to suck, cause my mind is always wondering and thinking about other things and then im like, "geez...i better them off a few times so i can go home." i guess thats what happens when you fantasize about someone almost obsessively to the point that the only time you can get off is when your thinking about them.

lol, seriously? you thought i was THAT bad. you believed it. pht. (ahem.)

.....ANYWAY! im horny now. damn it. and i dont like fucking myself here cause i KNOW ghosts are watching. (oh god now im gonna sound like an idiot. but im totally loopy off the pills the doc gave me so bare with me and consider me entertaining rather than retarded.) but yeah! out here in the middle of no where i feel all these eyes on me! how weird is that? and totally, watching all this halloween shit about people being watched and that feeling is a certain clue that there are ghosts....BLAH! i wanna scare buddy. =( anyone wanna be my scare buddy?

OMG I HAVE AN IDEA! im taking applications. here is the application. please answer these questions and reply back with your answers. your answers will be given points from 1 to 10, 10 being highest and who ever ends up with the highest score, wins a night of scary movies, screams, giggles, groping and ultimately hot halloween sex. (i lost my virginity on halloween. he he) here goes and good luck.

1. what scares you the most?

a. Ghosts
b. UFOs
c. Demon possession
d. Unknown Creatures (i.e. big foot, lochness, Katinas ect.)

2. What is your favorite munch food while watching a scary movie?


3. what religion are you?


4. looking back at all the horror films you have seen, what scene in what movie made your blood run cold and give you goosebumps and made your throat close? just basically, what scene scared the shit out of you?


5. how often do you see darting movements from the corner of your eye only to see nothing there when you look?


6. if you could have a deceased family member visit you at the end of your bed in the middle of the night, would you want to?

a. yes
b. no way

7. do you believe that your pets can see the dead?

a. yes

7.5. (extra credit question:) do you believe small children are more apt to see/feel/hear spirits and supernatural things? and do you have past events happen that make you believe/ not believe this?

8. do you believe that the catholic church still performs exorcisms behind the vadican's back?

9. have you ever heard of the true stories of the moth men and if so, give a small paragraph explaining what you know.

10. if i was holding on to you tightly, with my body shivering and pressing against yours, would you take advantage of me and get me naked?

**** appliactions will be looked at on the night of Oct 30th. the highest scoring person wins a fun filled night of scariness and saucy sexual fun. all prizes are based on participation. you must be 18 years or older to participate. (if you are younger, i will need written parental permission to fuck you.) absentee applications will be considered and if participant winner is unavailable for the prize giveaway, they will be able to accept the prize on Oct 31st 2009. If you have any questions about the authenticity of this contest please call 208 406 1093 and follow the prompts to answer any questions. participants are expected to be clear of any health conditions that would hamper the fun and health of others during prize giveaway. any wounds or unavoidable death is under no circumstances the fault of anyone but the participants. ****

have fun and stay safe. =D
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