So what's the result of trying to make icons from images jacked off of youtube videos, and NOT using photoshop? Utter fail--see under the cut for details.
Feel free to use all of them, or laugh at my poor icon-making skills, if you'd so wish! =D No credit necessary [I only say this because...who wants to be credited for crappy work...hahaha?]. Oh, and the artwork was obviously not done by me.
1863_project, there's Mae-chin, Motoyan and Masayan in there too! I tried as much as I could but I don't have photoshop so...sorry if the quality isn't that good. XD
Oh my, a contemplative Junta!004005006
D-did Kazuki...lose his teeth?007008009
Junta...stop spying on Mae-chin.010011012
MIne-chan, Motoyan and Masayan!
Created with
Icon Table Generator @