Jan 28, 2007 12:00
Just for you, Steeb! Today I'm wearing my Pikake body lotion from Bubbles in Laguna Beach, CA and my Calvin Klein Eternity Moment perfume.
I'm at work today because, well, it beats sitting around the house doing nothing.
No plans for tonight either, which works out because my parents are going to some dinner and won't be back til late, so I'll be keeping an eye on things in their absence.
I got a Jury Qualification form, which is actually for the county I live in this time and since I had no excuses as to why I couldn't serve, I probably will be. I think I'd just like to get it done and over with though, since I believe that once you do serve for Jury Duty, you wouldn't get called back for a very long time.
I'm also done with my field training and I sent the forms in last week. Now I just gotta wait for the state to process them and send me my ACO certification. Then hopefully I can find a job in the animal field. My mom has a good contact for me though, so we'll see where that goes.
Tomorrow is shelter day! I'm out of treats though, so I'll have to stop at Target beforehand. They love those Canine Carry-out things and they're only like $1 something per bag...can't beat that!
And this might seem random, but what happened to Chris?
Take care,