Nov 28, 2003 23:09
Who's had enough family time? Yeah, that'd be me.
So I keep finding little things around my brother's house..... I'm super convinced now. I'm no moron. I wonder if the whole family knows and I'm just now figuring this out. Or maybe he's in denial. Or maybe I'm just wrong. Anyways. I don't want to say about what because..... well because I'm not gonna make accusations just yet. All I know is that I want to know the truth goshdarnit. This has been on my mind waaay too many years.
In other news, I technically bought nothing today. My brother bought stuff for everyone , but I didn't. So I guess I participated in Buy Nothing Day technically? hahaha.
OH and guess what!?!?!!?!?!
I GOT A FREAKING PEDICURE!!!! Oh golly does it feel good to have pampered feet again! This is one thing that I am going to make sure I budget into my life. Not having one is simply rediculous, especially with my flip flop feet. Which, by the way.... I won't be having for awhile because it's effing snowing in Nashville!!!! We just HAD to talk about it, didn't we Em?? hahah. So yeah, I don't know how I'm going to survive going home tomorrow from the airport, but hopefully all will be well. All I can remember about cars and snow last year was when me and Katie Moore went off into a ditch and then drove out of it. It was the craziest thing of my life!!!!!
Alright. So I've decided to go read summore of that fabulous book I've been trying to finish....... gosh, it's so amazing.
p.s. I keep thinking about someone in particular right before I go to bed. Is that weird??