(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 10:47

What does your best friend call you?

How many people would you say you've been "serious" with?
Just one

Have you ever streaked?
not completely

Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?

Laptop or desktop?

Who do you call the most?
mmm either col steven or kee

What is your favorite thing to shop for?

What company is your cellphone provider?

Have you ever kissed just a friend?

What is your pet's name?
johnny :-)
What were you doing 4 hours ago?
sleeping. kind of. probably blowing my nose actually

In school, how was / is your attendance record?
hahah its really kinda bad but thats cause of leadership. i miss class to go to conferences does tha tcount?

Do you like spicy foods?
not super spicy

What friend do you get along with the best?
ummm... col

Have you ever fought over the opposite sex?

Are you good at math?
yeah i guess you could say that

What do you get complimented on the most?
sadly im gonna go with boobs. but a lot of people say they like my eyes. and my hair when its done. i dont know.

Do / did you listen to your parents?
yeah for the most part

At what age did you learn to ride a bike?
couldnt tell ya,

What's your favorite holiday?

Have you ever gone to a concert?
Yessss, NSYNC, Gavin Degraw, Relient K, Counting Crows, John Mayer, Sarah McLachlan, Green Day + Jimmy Eat World, Better than Ezra, All American Rejects,

When was the last time you drove out of town?
hmm.. probably to rockford, IL for Regional League with Vardar <3

Ever dyed your hair?

Do you kiss with your eyes open or shut?

Would you rather own a snake or a rabbit?
Bunny :]

Do you have any siblings? Do you get along?
yes/yes, they complete me :-)

What brand of shirt did you wear today?
Nothing yet--pj's

Who is one celebrity you can't stand?
not a huge fan of paris hilton?

Do you cry a lot?
shocker to some but yes.....

Would you rather date Leonardo DiCaprio or Matt Damon?
definitely leo omg, orgasmic

Do you act more silly or serious?
usually im pretty silly, so majority of hte time silly i guess.. but im serious when i need to be

Are you good at keeping secrets?

In school, did / do you participate in gym class?
Haha yeahh weight training and team sports were amazing

Do you have any superstitions?
yes like a millino.. im an athlete what do you expect?

Would you rather spend or save your money?
well i would rather save it.. cause i know im gonna need it., i just have problems saving it

Do you ever wear hats?
yeah usually just during spirit week or for sporting events :-P

Who were you with last night?
my soccer girls <3

What woke you up this morning?
roffey's loud alarm thing. and the fact that i couldnt breathe

Where are you?
my house

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
yeahhh it should be, assuming our game goes well

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
hugged some of my cute lil teammates goodbye

When was the last time you cried?
was it last weekend? or the one before that? i dont remember.

-The PAST-

Ever thrown up in public?
hahah yes i just did on thursday night at the soccer game. gross.
Passed out because of alcohol?
ummm maybe. new years. oops
Who's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Steven cause he just asked me for spanish help

Would you take a bullet for anyone?
yes theres a few people i'd take a bullet for

Where would you like to live?
as weird as it sounds i kinda love the dub b

What do you want to be when you grow up?
either an orthopedic surgeon, or a bio teacher, soccer coach, stugov advisor.. too many wishes not enough time :-(

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
either my first year teaching... or my first year in med school


15. Who is your number one?

16. Have you kissed your number one?
sometimes i lick her face

17. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
I don't feel like pulling up my myspace to check but im gonna go with.... col?


19. Do you like candy necklaces?
not really

20. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
haha last night when i fell into the stream thing

21. Do you listen to music every day?

22. Do you still go trick or treating?
of course!

23. What was the last thing you ate?

24. Are you a fast typer?:

25. About how many people have you liked?
haha oh geez.. a whole lot.

26. What are you doing this weekend?
wlel the weekend is almost over.. but im going bowling wtih old soccer family friends and then dinner in ann arbor stil

27. Whats your favorite type of SODA?

29. Have you ever won an award?

30. What do you want to do right now?
blow my nose

31. Are you listening to music right now?
no my dad's working in here and being mean and says its distracting him

32. Do you like someone right now?
i guess you could say that.. as much as ihate to admit it

33. Whats a quote that you love?
"you'll always be my konstantine...":

34. How long 'til your birthday?
hmmm like 4 months ish

35. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
october 17 of every year

36. What time is it?

37. Do you use EBay to buy or sell?

38. What makes you mad?
people who can't admit theyre wrong.

39. Have you ever had a song written about you?
not that i'm aware of

40. What song makes you cry?
Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me
LeAnne Womack - I Hope You Dance

41. What song makes you happy?
pretty much everything else :-)

42. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
i usually put a movie in

43. Do you have a job?
not at the moment

45. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
lime green

46. What makes you happy?
driving in the summer with friends with the windows down and music blaring

47. Whats the next CD you're gonna get?
hahah probably never again

[Height:] 5'3
[Hair:] brown
[Eye Color:] blue/green
[Piercings:] 0
[Wearing right now?] sweatpants and a hoodie, cute
[What taste is in your mouth?] doritos

A word to describe 2007? graduation
Favorite color in 2006? tar heel blue
Summer 2006: masc camp = amazing.. california = amazing... ADK <3
My best friend(S) in 2006: same, plus a few
Honestly, do you miss 2006?: sometimes... but not really

1: - Spell your name without an E,S,H,I,M,A:
TPN -- haha, random

2: - Are you single?
yessss ma'am

3: - Whats your favorite number?

4: - Favorite color?
the green on my walls

5: - Least favorite color?
PURPLE fuck that ugly shit

6: - What are you listening to?
the humming of the computer

7: - Sins?

8: - Are you happy with your life right now?
yes :-)

10: - what was/is you favorite subject in school?
chem/does leadership count?

11: - Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE?:

12: - How do you make money?
babysitting, allowance, tutoring

13: - Where did you graduate from?
About to WBHS

14: - Are you outgoing?
yes i guess a lil bit :-P

15: - One word to describe you?

16 - Do you like Big Macs?
ew thats gross. snack wrap baby

17:- Do you own big sunglasses?
no but i stole kee's. but then i gave them back

18:- Where do you wish you were right now?
ocracoke island

19: - What should you be doing right now?

20: - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
definitely already asked this and we est. that yes but i dont like it


Can you blow a bubble?: yup
Can you dance?: hhaha i like to think i can
Can you do a cart wheel?: nope
Can you touch your toes?: nope
Can you whistle?: i used to be able to until they closed the space b/w my teeth lol
Can you wiggle your ears?: no
Can you wiggle your nose?: ???
Can you roll your tongue?: yes
Can you raise one eyebrow?: noo

Did you ever want to be a doctor?: yes
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: never

Do you believe in God?: sometimes
Do you know how to swim?: yeah
Do you like roller coasters? im always really scared to get on them, but oncce i get on i love them
Do you own a bike?: yup
Do you think you could be on those reality shows?: i could be but i wouldnt want to

Does hair loss run through your family?: noo
Does your car get good gas mileage?: pretty dec dec
Does your family have family picnics?: not really lol

Have you ever been to the ocean?: <3yes<3
Have you ever gone fishing?: ew

How did you find out about Myspace?: Shayna
How many of your friends on it have you seen?: i'd go with aboutg 98%

Last person you hung out with?: soccer team
Last thing you said out loud?: dont remember
Last thing someone said to you?: "hasta" - julie lol

What was the last restaurant you ate at: hmmm, does jet's pizza count?
What was the last thing you bought?: chips and drinks for soccer party
What was the last thing you had to drink?: dr pepper
What was the last thing you watched?: american pie

Who is your newest friend you added to Myspace?: whats with al lthe myspace ?s
Who was the last person you IM'd?: kee
Who talked to you on the phone last?: max
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: some soccer girl last night
Who was the last person to leave you a comment: asked htat already
What was it about: my video slideshow thing

Ever really cried your heart out? numerous times
Ever cried yourself to sleep? yes, again numerous times
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? yep
Ever cried over the opposite sex? yes, too many
Do you cry when you get an injury? not usually unless its really bad
Do certain songs make you cry? seriously whats with the repeated ?s
Do certain movies make you cry? yeah... uptown girls gets me every time

What is your current hair color? brown
Current piercings? 0
Have any tattoos? nope
Straight hair or curly? curly

What color shirt are you wearing? black
Shoes?: noneee
Necklaces?: none

Hugged someone? yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up? yep! :-)
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? hahaha ohhh geez

Person you talked to in person? pops
Person you talked to online? steven
Do you like surveys? sometimes like now when im bored
What kind of shampoo do you use?: garnier fructis

Current mood: excited/nervous
current hair style: poneytail
Current desktop picture: "the good group" in teh courtyard.. our ad picture
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