(no subject)

Aug 14, 2005 18:23

put a ♥ to what applies to you....
You are...(looks)
[ ] tall
[ ] in between
[♥] short
[] blonde
[ ] redheaded
[ ♥] brunette
[ ] black-haired
[♥] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold eyed
[ ] grey eyed
[ ] with glasses
[ ] with contacts
[ ] with braces
[♥] with freckles
[] with piercings
[ ] with tattoos
[ ] and have long hair
[ ] and have short hair
[♥] and have mid-length hair

Your nationality includes...
[ ] chinese
[ ] indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[ ] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[ ] italian
[ ] scottish
[ ] filipino
[ ] dutch
[ ] french
[] german
[ ] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[] polish
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[] canadian
[] lithuanian
[ ] native american
[♥] russian
[ ] british
[ ] danish
[ ] african
[ ] romanian
[ ] armenian
[ ] finnish
[♥] other

Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] red
[ ] pink
[ ] yellow
[] black
[ ] green
[♥] blue
[ ] white
[ ] silver
[ ] purple
[ ] brown
[♥] orange

Some things you've done/played include...
[ ♥] soccer
[ ] cheerleading
[♥] dancing
[♥] tennis
[♥] volleyball
[ ] hockey
[] football
[♥ ] softball
[ ] wrestling
[ ] gymnastics
[♥ ] track/cross country
[♥] basketball
[♥] baseball
[♥ ] golf
[♥] hiking
[♥] kayaking
[♥] camping
[♥] horseback riding
[] marching band.... hahaha

You are sometimes...
[♥] annoying
[♥] talkative
[♥] shy
[♥] funny
[♥] serious
[♥] bubbly
[♥] spazzy
[♥] fun-loving
[♥] laid back
[ ] strict
[♥] hyper
[ ] weird

The music you like is?
[] rap
[♥] rock
[♥] pop
[♥] country
[] hip hop
[] r&b
[ ] slow jams
[ ♥] Christian
[ ] classical
[] techno
[♥] oldies
[♥] the 80s
[♥] punk
[ ] Metal
[ ] reggae
[ ] Goth
[ ] Latin
[♥ ] 90's Grunge
[♥] musicals
[] 70's
[ ] Disco
[ ]Classic rock

The pets you have are?
[ ] cat
[♥] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[ fish
[ ] Bird
[ ] other

Clothes you like to wear are?
[♥] plain t shirts
[♥] sweatshirts
[ ] stockings
[ ] high heels
[ ] boots
[♥] sneakers
[♥] jeans
[♥] pj pants
[♥] boxers
[♥] panties
[ ] dresses
[ ] mini skirts
[ ] long skirts
[♥] watches
[♥] necklace
[ ] hoop earrings
[ ] toe socks
[♥] flip flops
[] halter tops
[ ] stilletos
[] band shirts
[ ♥] shorts
[♥] sleeveless shirts

How do you like to wear your hair?
[♥] down
[♥] ponytail
[ ] pigtails
[] messy bun
[♥] half ponytail
[♥] scrunched/curly
[] bun
[ ] crimped
[ ] with a bandana
[] French braids
[ ] lots of little braids
[ ] Gel
[ ♥] hat
[ ] messy hot guy hair
[ ] fauxhawk

You're mostly labeled as?
[ ] goth
[ ] emo
[ ♥] prep
[ ] punk
[ ] hippie
[ ] nerd
[ ] ditzy
[♥] hyper
[♥ ] happy
[♥] everything
[ ] I hate labels
[ ] I love labels
[ ] I have no idea

You eat?
[♥ ] dessert every night
[] no meat
[ ] diet stuff
[ ♥] healthy foods
[♥] junk foods
[♥] a lot of carbs
[ ] lots of meat
[ ♥] salad
[ ♥] seafood
[ ] Mountain Dew

A typical friday night...
[] mall with your friends
[] partying
[♥] watching movies
[ ] going to the club
[ ] staying home
[ ] babysitting and getting $$
[♥] hanging out w/ my friends
[] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] working while your friends are out having fun

Currently you are...
[] in a relationship
[ ] single and lovin it
[ ] crushing
[♥ ] single and looking for someone
[ ] just broke up

Online, you use:
[♥] lol
[ ] sup
[ ] =D
[ ] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[♥] j/k
[♥ ] ttyl
[] g2g
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
[ ] x_x
[ ] ^_^


First best friend: becca
First Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Adam Williams
First car: Timmy!! otherwise known as  a Taurus lol
First screen name: USoccerulz3
First self purchased album: probably the backstreet boys
First Funeral: grandpa
First pets: fish
First piercing/tattoo: ears/none

Last car ride: driving home from Quizno's with stevie b
Last good cry: leaving Explo'05
Last food consumed: bagel and cream cheese
Last text message received: from Sambolynne
Last phone call: Stevie B
Last time showered: earlier today
Last shoes worn: adidas sneakers
Last CD played: the mix  Mings gave me for my car!
Last item bought: soup from quiznos
Last annoyance: I dont know really
Last disappointment: leaving explo
Last shirt worn: Vardar "Little V's" shirt lol
Last website visited: myspace.com
Last word you said: okay
Last song you sang: Sugar, We're Goin Down Swingin

What color socks are you wearing: white
What color of underwear are you wearing: white with polka dots
What time did you wake up today: 8.. soccer practice
Where do you want to go: back to New Haven, CT
What is your career going to be: sports medicine physician and a soccer coach
Where are you going to live: Dunno
Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no one
Current music: Bowling for Soup
Current taste: cream cheese
Current hair: down/curly
Current clothes: jean shorts and a t shirt
Current desktop picture: Bec, Me, Alexander on the grass
Current Mood: lame

01. tattoos: 0
02. height: 5'3"
03. shoe size: 8
04. hair color: brown
05. siblings: 2 sisters.

01. movie you rented: Cellular
02. movie you bought: The Breakfast Club and Coyote Ugly
03. song you listened to: Bowling for Soup - Really Might Be Gone
04. song that was stuck in your head: sugar we're goin down swingin
05. cd you bought: haven't bought one in a while
06. cd you listened to: my mix
07. person you've called: Stevie B
08. person that's called you: Stevie B
09. tv show you've watched: Real World
10. person you were thinking of: actually.. colleen lol
11. friend you made: all my new soccer teammates

01. you have a crush on someone: or perhaps an infatuation? an obsession? yes kinda
02. you wish you could live somewhere else: nope, i really like west bloomfield
03. you think about suicide: no
05. others find you attractive: i like to think so
06. you want more piercings: sure
07. you drink: no
08. you do drugs: no
09. you smoke: no
10. you like cleaning: sometimes  its stress relieving
11. you like roller coasters: yeah
12. you write in cursive or print: print

+ long distance relationship: against, they almost never work out
+ suicide: against
+ killing people: against.
+ teenage smoking: against
+ doing drugs: against
+ driving drunk: against.
+ soap operas: against.

+ thing you like to do: play soccer
+ thing you like to talk about: music
+ drinks you like: lemonade
+ clothing brand you like: anything from kohl's lol
+ movie you like: Zoolander
+ singer you like: Ashlee Simpson
+ holiday you like: rosh hashanna

+ ever cried over a girl: yeah if you mean like fights b/w friends
+ ever cried over a boy: yes
+ ever lied to someone: yep
+ ever been arrested: no.

+ shampoo do you use: herbal essence fruit fusions with hawafena lol
+ shoes do you wear: usually tennis shoes
+ are you scared of: death

.. of times you have been in love?: i dunno, maybe 1, maybe not
.. of times you have had your heart broken?: 1
.. of hearts you have broken?: i think 2
.. of girls you have kissed?: 0
.. of boys you have kissed?: no idea, probably like 15-20.. gotta love spin the bottle in 6th grade lol
.. of people youve slept with?: 0
.. of drugs taken illegally?: none
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends?: 3
.. of people you consider your enemies?: no one
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper?: i dunno a bunch for soccer and stuff
.. of scars on your body?: way too many to count
.. of things in your past that you regret?: not that many

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