So, I haven't experienced being beaten up at work yet, but I did have a shoe thrown at me!! It was almost humorous because this guy doesn't really have the best eye sight,(cataracts in one eye, and almost fully blind in the other)so the shoe didn't really come close to me! Basically this job has been like babysitting, but getting paid 17 something an hour! haha..
My neon took a turn for the worst yesterday! Repairable, but costly considering that I'm going to be just replacing it soon anyways. My breaks completely went yesterday on my car and apparently that wasn't all that was wrong with it!
Bearings are being replaced and apparently the breaks in the back were done WRONG to begin with. They were done backwards?! Anywho... not a pretty picture that is for sure. $450.00 down the drain.. What a rip off man. Hopefully soon I'll be getting paid from this job... I'll slowly run out of money at this rate!!! haha.
Nothing else to really report. Still selling the house and people are looking at the house, but I don't think anyone will buy it if my dad keeps smoking in the house!!! Oh well I seriously just can't wait to move out on my own.. ALL BY MYSELF! That way everything can be just the way that I like it and no hassles!
This is a picture of just why you don't get drunk with your mom!!