May 13, 2007 21:14
I probably have never been so bored in my life!! I am trying to find things to do around the house, but there are only so many things that you can do!! I really should get a hobby!!
I have been home a week and I have already been working full time at a group home in Musselman's Lake at Shadow Lake. As soon as I got there my first day I realized that I actually used to go to that camp when I was in Brownies!! Anywho, I pretty much only love this job because it's Monday - Friday, which means that I get my weekends. It will be nice to be able to go away on the weekends and such.
The only downfall about this job is the danger of it! I have heard so many stories about how my best friend (who also works there) gets beat up a little bit from one of the residents in the home! I may or may not be afraid for my life! haha.. This guy is just as small as I am, but so strong!! So if I get beat up, I'll be sure to post up pictures of my war wounds!!
Also, I have put in three days of work and they are leaving my alone, which would be fine, but I mean I worked during the day and all of these shifts this week are the night shift. So basically I have to just try not to screw up their night time routines and hope that I'm doing it right or else I could get beaten up! haha. People who have developmental disabilities usually don't appreciate when people change their routines.
I'm a little sad that I won't be getting paid for a WHOLE MONTH!!!! What is up with that?!!
Oh well, I was told that after the month when I get paid, I will get a double pay! That will be sweet because it's pretty good money and I can start saving up for a new car.
Let's face it, everyone who knows me should know by now that I really think about getting a newer car because I always seem to get the hunks of junks!
This one has been pretty good up until now. It's doing weird and unexplainable things!
Anywho.. Of course I'm rambling again, so I'll stop!
I'll probably ramble sometime soon!!