Sep 06, 2006 13:47

I really want this house more than anything in this world.

I went to see it yesterday and it was BEAUTIFUL. Kitchen was AMAZING i loved it so much. Some things needed to be redone and fixed up but i can't think of a house that does't need fixing up. Everything seemed perfect and blah blah blah.

So today we went to the lady that chris (the dude selling the house) said to go to. She said i couldn't get it by myself cause i can't afford it. SO mom said she would cosign for me. Well either way i would have to spend about 750 a month on my morgage and since i only make 1400 give or take i can't afford it. So she said i should look at a mini home. Well i'm sorry but i don't wanna have to pay 200-250 a month just to keep the damn thing there plus the 400-500 for the morgage. Which would make my bill about 700=750 a month and she already said i can't afford it. She makes no sence.

Anyays mom just called gill to see how much money i have left in my investments and all that jazz. I hope i still have a decent sum on money. Even though i probably don't/ DAMN SCHOOL.

Fuck i hate everything right now. I have been wrecking my brain tring to figgure out how i can get like 15000 bucks. if worst comes to worst i will get another job. It would work. Get like a night job or something. or a job i can work the morning shift at like 5=1 or something. cause i could work some place early in the morning, work at in town during the day and the theatre at night. Or work in town during the day, theatre at night and another place late late night like 12-8 or something.

i just find that nobody understands me. Everyone is like oh you can't get a house and blah blah blah which makes me wanna prove them all wrong.

I could get away without having a tv and internet. but with out internet jamie won't move in and than i'm fucked yet again.


~*steph*~ xoxo
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