May 02, 2011 06:36
The figurative (and actually *typed*) chants of U-S-A, U-S-A! on my Facebook news feed is disgusting me. Otherwise perfectly rational people are crying with joy.
Thousands of dead, billions spent, and this will not stop terrorism or bridge the ideological gaps. Just.... SHUT UP. National pride is one thing. National chest-beating over something merely symbolic at this point is stupid. I do not agree that this will cause 9/11 victims' families to feel closure. Perhaps for some, but I'm not sure closure can be had for something that awful with one simple step.
Maybe I'm just a bad patriot, but it was a fluke of nature that I was born here, I have very little in common with most of my fellow Americans, and I really don't think this is worth getting so pumped over.
I just keep thinking of all the dead people, American, Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani and otherwise. I realize Bin Laden was responsible for many, many deaths. But I just can't agree with an eye for an eye or believe that this will really matter in any positive way.
On a different note, I'm kinda bummed with the decision to not show his body. It's going to make the conspiracy theories so much more prevalent.... Actually, scratch that. There'd be conspiracy theories of all bents no matter what they did with his body. Sigh.