Nov 10, 2004 01:02
First off, let me tell you all about my wonderful weekend in North Carolina...I left Wednesday night...Sat on the plane for a while cause they had an electrical prob or something so it was delayed...Get to NC and I see Bobbi and friends running to me, but i decided to go down stairs and just get my luggage...So she finally catches up to me and what not...And we drive back to her dorm...Get back at like 1:00ish and we just lay around and talk and look at pictures...Fall asleep in her gigantic king size bed and try to get up in the morning...Didnt want to happen so we skipped her first class and then went to the second one. Got some lunch (my first experience at chick-fil-a) and then went back to nap. Slept for a few more hours and eventually we got up and got a pedicure. Later we just did a girls night with pizza eating (from this amazing place that I wish we had here) and tv/movie watching. Friday we once again slept in, missing her class. Got up around 2 and grabbed some lunch and then went to get her car fixed in the ghetto. What was supposed to take an hour and a half ended up taking 3 and a half...We were happy...Finally get back at like 8 and then get ready to head to South Carolina for the night. Grab dinner for my first Jack-in-the-Box experience...Go to some huge party for a while, leave to buy some red pop and the party was broken up while we we gone...Head back to her friends apartment where we just lounged around and talked and what not. We were gonna stay the night there, but her big old bed sounded much better then a couch so we left. Saturday we once again slept till like two...Not sure what we did after that, but that night we went to see "Saw." Extremely good movie but extremely crazy ((Good date movie))and I get scared just thinking about it...Then we drove around uptown Charlotte and eventually made our way back to her dorm. Put on some movie and just vegged out...Then Sunday morning we had to get up early (11:00) so she could take me to the airport...Overall, and extremely good vacay, one which I was able to just relax in and it was so great being able to do that...
Things I've learned from going to N.C.:
~The people have cute accents, however ppl kept telling me I had an accent
~They love chicken down there (they had KFC, Chick-fil-a, churchs chicken, and bojangles, which are all chicken fast food places)
~Taking time to relax is a must
~People are SO much nicer down south then up here
Of course, as soon as I got back, things were crazy again. Brian finally fired Amy on Monday (By the way Leah, are you gonna come back soon?), and between me and Jonny, we took almost all of her hours...To say the least, I'm working alot the next week or two. I also have tons of school things going on, for instance an exam tomorrow, one Thurs and one on Monday...I signed up for my classes next semester...17 credit hours, only going mon, tues and wed...So next semester will also be quite interesting.
I've also realized what a shitty friend I've been lately...It no excuse, but I have been so incredibly busy...Between going back and forth from Cedar Point ((which is finally over)) and my trip to NC, I have had absolutly no time. I have not seen any of my friends around here in weeks. None. I have been working and overwhelmed with school things that my social life has become non-existant. Even that, the only time I really have to call people is while I'm driving to or from work/school...
To those I've been neglecting: I am SO sorry, I really miss all of you, but unfortunatly I dont know how to balance my time, but I am getting better...Next week I may have some free time, but before then, not so much...
I will get to see Stacy and Ash on Friday night for a girls night out for Stacy's birthday, a plan that has been in the works for about 3 weeks now...
Anyways, I really need to go do some studying...However, I'm totally ready to go pass out because I have not had a nap or slept much since I was in NC...I love you