This map of all the states that I have been to is cool. This might be something you don't know about me. Every summer my grandparents would carry me with them on trips across the U.S. I had so much fun seeing stuff like the Grand Canyon (3 different times), Pikes Peak, Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, Yellowstone Nat'l Park, The Redwood Nat'l Forrest in Oregon, The desert in Arizona, The Great Salt Lake, Niagra Falls, The Everglades, The Ozarks, The Great Plains. I could name things for days. I have also been to Canada and Mexico they are great, too. I need to take a trip up to the northeast, I would love to see NY city and Boston and Atlantic City and Light houses in Maine and eat some lobster up there. hehe My grandfather is planning a trip in two years to go to Alaska, I would like to go with them. I will have to do the Hawaii thing on my own cause my grandparents have no desire to go there, but lord I do. If you ever get the chance to travel do it, it is fun. Ok so here is the map.
create your own visited states map or
check out these Google Hacks.