I don't know why I'm writing this down.

Jun 24, 2010 19:29

Thought Energy Matter

The first two are invisible. Only the quantum mechanical effects of energy states do we see.

The ultimate quest of physics is to determine precisely how the universe is.

It's the domain of philsophy to ask why.

It's the job of sentient, or maybe all living things to exist because of it.

The thought that came to inspire this post though was not about the universe that is, no, it's to ask about what lies beneath.

It's a combination of questions, that wrap around science, philosophy and spirituality, but stated in a single sentence.

What lies beneath the universe that is?

The answer I think can be found in meditation. I found it just a moment ago and then grabbed for my laptop. Strange. To see the universe as it is in the root, but then to snap to the familiar, that practical. I'm starting to see how thought influences the world we live in. Perhaps it's true what they say about the relationship water has with thought. What better thing to use in making strong and smart bodies?

So if life is the best thing in the universe, which seems plain enough to me, maybe it wouldn't exist if life hadn't gotten started here. Tree falls in the the woods?

So if thought is what brings about the universe, and we're trained and conditioned since birth, particularly in those first two years, apparently, what would happen if we showed the newborn mind ideas (like telekenesis) in immersive virtual reality? Will they adopt the thought patterns required to mimic his telelkenetic cousins?

Is evolution just looking for life that can solve the puzzles of the cosmos?
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