Too curious, too tired, too dirty.

Aug 14, 2004 08:22

Whenever I go to work in the morning I feel dirty. Not just like "I feel dirty having to be at work," but physically dirty. Particularly my hands and face. I can't figure it out. And yes, I do shower before work and am clean.

When I used to work at Wal-Mart and had shifts in the early morning the same thing would happen. Back then I thought it had to do with all the boxes I'd have to open up and move around before putting all the goods on the shelves. And I suppose in part that's why I felt dirty. The cardboard couldn't have been good for my skin. It was dusty and dirty and made my hands feel dry.

But now I work at a hotel. I don't move boxes in the morning, I don't really do anything here that I don't do on my night shifts the rest of the week, but still I feel very, very dirty during the morning shift. All morning my hands and face just start to feel dirtier and dirtier until I go to the bathroom to wash them. I never get it at work on my non-morning shifts and I never have this feeling at home when I wake up early in the morning. Is it because I'm tired? Or working? Is there something I'm missing? I just don't get it. So I really wonder, does anyone else experience this?

Poll Dirty Work

And any theories on possible reasons why this could be will be happily received. Theorize away!
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