Title: Stephen and the Whale (from Stephen Sails the Seas: Stories for Children)
Authors: des_pudels_kern and grace_poppy
Characters: Stephen, a whale, shrimps, fishes, orcas, Jack
Rating: G
Stephen and the Whale
The sleepy great whale loved tiny shrimps. He loved to eat them. One day, the sleepy great whale saw a big big crowd of his favorite
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Comments 7
"I hope everybody knows they are distant cousins."
AHAHAHA oh dear *wipes away a tear* AHAHA
Well, maybe a part of him had. A small part. Tiny. Virtually non-existing.
XD I like the image of that.
he quite sensibly sank like a stone
I love these stories. XD
He was gratified to note, however, that Stephen Maturin shared his reluctance to part.
Awww, so sweet!
I'm glad one of these stories has a happy ending. ^__^
dpk will be pleased. Most of those were her contributions. Hee, we do have fun.
Heehee! Aww, bless him. I don't think I told you, dpk, how cute that was!
Wouldn't that be a sight? Dangling his wig in one hand to preserve his maidenly modesty...
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