Nov 16, 2008 11:18
well... just recently...I went through my cell phones and deleted about 15 telephone mobile numbers.
Yes I said Cell PHONES.. plural
well ...the other thing that comes as a *Shocker* is ... people that Know me... Understand that when you're Deleted... Especially from my Cell phone..this means you're in deep doo doo with me -or the friendship has run it's course.
Same goes w/this. I deleted about 14 people from here, as well.
If you're reading this, you'll realize..hello! I did Not delete you.
as a friend told me... delete number to make room for new ones. Better ones.
btw, along with deleting various mobile numbers & myspace friends, I deleted
email addresses...
yeah.. I much would rather Not have any type of contact with certain people.
I am the Queen of Swords..
the Chains are no longer holding me down.. I am Free!