This morning Patrick and I headed to the hospital for my 20-week scan. I lay on a cot with cold goo smeared across my stomach, and we saw the baby's tiny feet and toes, his/her round head and belly and long, delicate spine shown in black and white on the computer monitor. Best of all, we found out that he/she is looking absolutely healthy and sound.
I really loved getting to see my (second!) baby on the screen. We had two pictures printed, one for us, and one for MrD. Then we came home and I drank a lovely hot chocolate in celebration!
Right now I'm reading Catherine Newman's
Waiting for Birdy: A Year of Frantic Tedium, Neurotic Angst, and the Wild Magic of Growing a Family, which, really, could have been written just exactly for me - or for anyone else waiting for a second or third child while raising older children. It's funny and smart and I keep laughing out loud with recognition, relief, and delight. The wonderful
Keris Stainton sent me her copy to read, and I'm appreciating it so much.
It's a funny sensation, being 20 weeks - officially halfway - into the pregnancy. On the one hand, oh, do I have so many things I want to accomplish before the new baby comes! I want to get
Low Road ready for submission, if it isn't already. I want to finish at least the first draft of
Next-Book - and maybe even start revisions, too. I need to (with Patrick) find us a new house to live in! (Our landlady is moving back into our house this summer.)
I want to pick up more freelance contracts for the year ahead! I'd love to sell another book! I, I, I...
...I, honestly, more than anything else, just can't wait to meet our new baby.
20 more weeks to go!