Hooray! I put up the new section of my website just in time after all. Kat Book Two, A Tangle of Magicks (a.k.a. Renegade Magic), is going to be published in the UK one month from today, on August 1st, and now you can check out a whole
section of my website devoted to Kat 2, including the
full first chapter, free to read online.
It's the UK edition (which has a different first line from the US edition), and it begins:
My brother Charles was a hopeless gamester, a ridiculous over-sleeper and the one sibling too lazy to take part in any family arguments, no matter how exasperating our sisters might have been (and usually were). But he had one shining virtue as an older brother: he was infinitely persuadable.
“You do know, Kat,” he whispered, “Stepmama will murder you for this if she finds out.”
Read the rest of the chapter here.)
So, in other words, any of you who wished that you could see more of Charles in Book 1...you are totally in luck! I hope you enjoy his first introduction. :) (But a quick warning: Chapter One of A Tangle of Magicks / Renegade Magic does include spoilers for Book 1. Danger! Danger!)
There's also a non-spoilery
Behind the Scenes section which is basically my extended love letter to the city of Bath, my favorite city in the world. I'll actually be doing an event in Bath when Tangle comes out next month - on Saturday, August 6th, I'll be signing at the Waterstones in Bath at 1pm. If any of you guys are around, please do come and say hello!
So. Needless to say, working on my website is what I've been doing recently! Now that the new section is up, though, I rewarded myself this morning by working on a just-for-fun, silly, funny short story. I have no idea whether anything will ever come of it, but it made Patrick laugh more than once when I read the story-so-far out loud to him, so I'm counting it as a huge personal success regardless. :)
What about you guys? What's made you laugh recently? Or, alternately: what have you done for yourself as a reward?
(And if you're in the UK, Ireland, or anywhere else that gets the UK edition: I will offer you my undying gratitude if you publicly link to the first chapter of Tangle anywhere on the web, whether it's on your blog, twitter, facebook, or anywhere else like that. Just let me know that you've done it and I will thank you profusely! I wish I had something more substantial to offer, but the ARC I'm giving away over on Goodreads is actually my last personal copy. But I will be really, REALLY grateful!)
(Needless to say, I'm also grateful to Americans and all others who link, but it's less of a pressing issue since Renegade Magic won't be coming out in the US until April 2012.)