Jul 28, 2004 01:24
I've said this before but I am gonna say it again there are just so few people that come into my life that are good when they do it's weird..
I've talked about Cesare, now it's time for Victor all I can say is that I am impressed he's young but when you talk to him and listen to him you don't even think about that. He is coming along so well, I know he might be having a hard time with some things right now but in my opinion Victor is one hell of a guy, very smart, wise, funny, down to earth, laid back, he is one that doesn't judge, nor does he criticize.
Deep down he knows what he is and who he is but like all of us he gets lost along the way and people make it hard for him, I don't think he should change for anyone because who is he is, is not something I see.
He puts a lot of pressure on himself to be a certain way or please people which is a drag, certain people can't accept him and thats their loss. He is growing and maturing in every aspect but has still remained true to who he is and thats something I truly admire..
I would want the next guy I date to be like Victor... :) I am very picky about guys but I would totally date Victor he is too cute to pass up..
There are new people in my life who I hang with and talk to now my bond with Greg will never be broken and the connections I have with other people will never be like the connection Greg and I have but these other people are people who I definately want in my life and wanna get to know (some more than others).. I am happy that I have more people in my life and that for once I don't feel like i'll be alone..