the news in the world-mood correlation is strong. the weather has only increased the effect.
Ah, so I just left lab because all the PTCs are in use so I can't run my reactions today. I don't really mind that much, after all I think the PhD's should have priority anyway, but this whole thing is just adding to the generally dragging feeling I've been having concerning my project. Sadly, lack of motivation has been more of a contributor than anything else which has caused me to seriously reevaluate my future educational plans. Everytime I try to reason through things I get a headache and I always end up with the same nebulous conclusions. Sometimes I wish we were just born with a natural skill in something so specific so you know that one thing is what you're supposed to do with your life. I know that everyone has good days and bad days, and this could just be a bad day streak for me perhaps. I feel awful stressing and complaining when I have the educational opportunities that a lot of people in the world do not have the means of attaining. I know that I am blessed, I am sick of letting little setbacks get in the way of the ultimate goal: to live out God's will with all my soul and being and to never ever lose focus of the gift of love that I am able to freely give and receive. How can something so simple be so hard? Our values should not be relative to our own personal experiences, but derived solely from God-given laws. Nonetheless, we are driven by our humanistic desires, tempted by evils every single day, and are always losing focus of what is truly valuable. I for one, feel that I have been a slave to time, I've let it control me to the point where I've convinced myself that I am the victim, that I cannot do anything to improve the quality of what I do each day to serve others and to serve Him. I am in the wrong. I struggle to free myself from the shackles of doubt. I sincerely hope that I am helping those that are dear to me to let go as well.
Your Birthdate: May 24
Born on the 24th, you have a greater capacity for responsibility and helping others than your may have realized.
You may also become the mediator and peacemaker in inharmonious situations.
Devoted to family, you tend to manage and protect.
This birth date adds to the emotional nature and perhaps to the sensitivities.
Affections are important to you; both the giving and the receiving.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?