Oct 17, 2004 15:08
heyyy ohk wells its been an ohk weekend.lets see friday in skool was good i had 2 tests nd i think i got really good grades on both cuz i studied lol.but it wasnt anything special blahh saturday was good i woke up nd went to volunteering it was ohk...i think i`m becoming less shy cuz i was actually talking to the ppl.they are funny but sum of them are sad like this 1 lady;she came up to me nd shes like "wheres the door i wanna go home how do i get out of here?" nd i was like umm umm lol cuz they cant leave thats their home they just dnt realize it nd shes like please take me home im like oo god its sad tho.nd theres this other 1 who was all energetic cuz we were watching this old disney tape with songs on it nd she was like clapping nd dancing ahahhaha it was funny.lala then we went to hollywood video nd i got cheaper by the dozen nd bought house of the dead nd 8 crazy nites cuz they were cheap.i love 8 crazy nites thats movie is great and house of the dead just looked cool.la then i came home nd did not much of anything i took a nap i was madds tired then i woke up nd me nd zack watched cheaper by the dozen.good movie.i liked it its funny nd sad i wanted to cry when the little boy fedex kid runs away cuz no1 pays attention to him.sadness.laa then i came online nothing much happened.oo yea mike caridi imed me outta nowhere im like wow i havent talked to him in a long time since like the beginning of the summer when he used to tell me about witchcraft nd coheed and cambria lol nd mike mcgregger nd alex fuco were here nd wow those kids are annoying nd loud nd they dnt shut up they were up like the entire nite.blah i was online till like 2*3o then watched house of the dead which was gay its about these college kids who go to an island for a party then discover its haunted by zombies nd they shoot them all wow it sucked then i fell asleep.2day i woke up at like 11*3o nd havent been doing much of anything lol sundays are soo boring.wellps;bye <3
4 more days till my birthdayyyyyy =]
thursday im 14 wow life is short.