Oct 14, 2004 15:23
hello 2day was pretty good.skool-
1st per.- we worked on sum problems and i didnt understand it but what else is new i dnt get anything in math.
2nd per.- we did this easy question worksheet.god civics is soo easy =]
3rd per.- science was cool ! we worked on work nd miss liu played all these sounds from movies nd shows off her comp it was good.miss liu is pretty cool if u think about it.
4th per.- comps was the usual--they never work soo we do whatever we want online nd i played games cuz they amuse me.lol
5th per.- gym was soo easy all we did was stretch nd the freshmen just got to sit around nd do nothing while the sophmores did the curl-up thingys for the fitness test.soo i just was sitting around nd talking to that new girl phyllis;who just came like 2 weeks ago she is soo like...energetic...nd cool lol cuz she says in her old skool every1 talks alot nd gets to kno eachother but here alotta ppl are quiet cuz they are all either stuck-up or shy.that is sooo true.
6th per.- spanish we learned more about telling time.it was alright
7th per.- the worst part of the day it was boring as usual nd we have the test 2morro and i actually think i`ll do ohk on this 1 cuz i read over the stories.i hope i do good or else ill get AN0THER low grade.not cool.
blahhhh then i stayed after for science like always cuz it helps me do good.haha then the late bus was crazy nd loud with all these ghetto kids.lol then i came home nd im here cuz i dnt have much else to do...except studying nd hw ooo how fun.wellps...idk;bye.<3
*one more week;nd im 14. =]