This is a bulletin that Stephanie posted on myspace. Most of you know her from working with her so please read this.
A desperate plea
Body: On July 15th, my dear friends Stephanie & Chris Y. unexpectedly welcomed their 4th child, well before her November due date. Her name is Emmie-Rose. She was born at 23 weeks gestation at St. Joseph Mercy hospital in Ypsilanti, MI.
Approximately 2 weeks later, she was transferred to University of Michigan hospital. U of M is supposed to be one of the most advance medical centers around. U of M is supposed to be capable of Miracles. U of M is supposed to be the ..1 hospital around.
Shortly after her transfer to U of M, Emmie- Rose developed E-Coli. She was treated & has been doing great up until Thursday, August 31st.
On August 31st, Emmie-Rose's belly began to swell. Numerous blood tests & x-rays were done. The doctors felt that she had a hole in her intestine, and the swelling was due to undigested breast milk. On Sunday, Sept. 3rd, "surgery" was done. Her small intestine was examined, and she was immediately closed back up. The news was grim. According to the surgeron her entire small intestine had died. Emmie-Rose had developed Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). The family was given the grim news that Emmie-Rose would die within two days.
On Sept. 3rd, U of M hospital discontinued Emmie-Rose's feedings without the consent or knowledge of her parents. They were unaware of this until Sept. 8th.
On Sept. 6th, the Yannella's spoke with a pediatric surgeon at the Univeristy of Miami. It was determined that Emmie-Rose is not currently a candidate for transplant due to her size & the fact that she is still on a ventilator. These were the only reasons given.
On Sept. 8th the U of M """"ETHICS"""" committee ruled that they would no longer provide Emmie-Rose with life saving treatments and would only provide her with "comfort care" until she passed. Their """"ETHICS""" committee was comprised of staff, one surgeon & two social workers. After doing research, Chris found that MOST Ethics committees are comprised of staff, social workers, CLERGY and PARENTS OF OTHER CHILDREN. The ruling was based hugely in part of the surgeons opinion. The surgeon felt that the QUALITY of live Emmie-Rose would have would not be great, therefore, he decided to KILL HER INSTEAD. The Yannellas were given a copy of the """"ETHICS"""" Committee report which stated they are entitled to a SECOND OPINION.
Since the 8th, the family has been trying FEVERISHLY to transfer their daughter to another hospital. IF they can find another hospital to accept her, she may become eligible for a transplant in a month or two. Her stats have been FINE since this grim diagnosis. According to U OF M she should have died by the 5th. Today is the 13th. Emmie-Rose is still here, and still fighting.
U OF M seems determined to NOT ALLOW this second opinon to happen. They refuse to give her the care that she needs in order to survive. Stephanie & Chris were able to get Toledo Children's Hospital to accept her. Shortly after that confirmation, they were phoned back and told that they would be unable to accept her because of U of M's ETHICS COMMITTEE not recommending the transfer. U OF M seems determined to KILL this child who has fought this long to live. They are not even giving her a chance.
Local media has been contacted. The family has a lawyer. My plea is that if ANY of you have ANY type of contact that you think would be helpful to this family, PLEASE let me know IMMEDIATELY. They are calling doctors across the country with the hopes that someone somewhere will listen and give their daughter a chance. That's all they are asking for. Let her fight until she is done fighting. Media contacts outside of the Ann Arbor/Metro Detroit area would also be greatly appreciated. I beleive so far that channel 2, 4 & 7 have been contacted, as well as the Ann Arbor News. We need to get this out there IMMEDIATELY because the clock on her life is ticking.
Please keep this family in your thoughts & prayers. A miracle is needed at this point in time, due to U of M washing their hands of this beautiful baby girl who has fought for her life for the past two months. Let's not give up on Emmie-Rose until she decides to give up. Let's not let U of M over ride the parent's choice for LIFE and not allow them to kill this beautiful baby girl. Please show your support for Emmie-Rose at her parents blog,
The clock is ticking.
Thank you for your time,