Sep 12, 2006 15:10
We went out saturday to play darts and there is this one guy there I swear looks like Bruske (for those that know him). They could easily pass for brothers they look that much alike.
3:36 AM - It's a four letter word
I wanted take a minute to write about Love.
I've noticed that the people I see everyday often use the word to describe something they really like ie: snickers pie(feel free to bring one by that's my favorite) or a movie they have recently seen.
I believe to use a word and not understand the true meaning takes the power out of the word. If I say I love someone that means that to the very core of my soul that I truly love that person beyond anything. Often you hear or see people say or write I love you etc.... but not in the sense that it should mean which would then take the power out of the word.
One of my friends on myspace recently posted a blog that I felt really captured the spirit of love and described it in a way that shows he nows what it really means. I hope he finds the love he seeks.
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3:07 AM - Negativity & smoking
There is so many things right now having a negative impact on my life but it's 99% financial. Even though I was able to eliminate a $200.00 a month bill I still managed to have $75.00 in nsf's already not counting whatever else may decide to hit the account.
I know that If I could eliminate the loan on my intrepid which is ($1650) $404.00 a month that would free up enough cash to get caught up on the others and take a lot of the stress off of me and would allow me to then help N8 with the other bills. I'm going to turn off two of my credit cards to stop them from accruing interest (I hope) so I can get them paid off too.
I understand how N8 feels right now too with the unbearable pressure to pay this or that etc... and of course not being able to, I know that while it might seem dark now that there is a light, for me that light is barely visable but even though I want to just give up I won't keep trying to reach it.
I also have quit smoking cigarrettes effective today. My belief has always been if you cannot afford it let it go. N8 I know will be happier too and I would like to spend the rest of my life with him in a healthy state not riddled with lung cancer.