Mar 13, 2003 17:00
I feel as though I am in a cloud, unable to be objective about anything I do. I need perspective. This trip to paradise should save me.
It really is an interesting predicament. Since I have limited resources to see myself objectively, I tend to make strange decisions based on context. As such, I do things that don't make much sense, and part of me fears that I could do something destructive, if I haven't already.
I believe some would call it being mentally tired. For the first time I understand the term "I need a vacation to clear my mind."
Cobwebs, and such.
The weather continues to be an angry bitch.
Some strange man stopped me on the subway platform this morning to enquire about my parka. He was almost angry when I told him that I didn't know the name of the store off the top of my head (I ordered it through eBay). Strange, that. I can go out in a nice Ben Sherman and expensive shoes, and no one says a thing. I put on a $29 used parka and suddenly some freako wants my number.
I must start writing again. Not this crappy business stuff I've been doing. My chops are weak.
I think I'm pretty weak in general right now. Must. Wake. Up.