May 01, 2011 22:05
SO....ahem....there was this guy in high school that I used to have a crush on. He was cute, really funny, kinda hippie/jock just...really odd but in a good way, type of guy. HIm and I would flirt occassionally. He was one of the cooler kids, I definately was not. I had always wondered what it would be like to be with him. Anyways, his name is Josh ( I just can't seem to get away from that name, huh?) and him and I hadn't talked since high school. But, recently, with my step cousin Justin and his dad moving in to the other apartment next to mine, I ran into him again.
Turns out he's Justin's cousin...which makes Josh my step-cousin. My first reaction was "OMG I had a crush on my step cousin I must be sick in the head!" But after talking to him again and hanging out a bit I had this reaction
So...I did research, lol. Turns out it is legal to marry your step cousin in most states, cause there is no blood connection. Infact the only reason we're related is because my Grandfather left my grandmother for Josh's Grandmother and they got married. So...yea, that's it. A marriage two generation ago makes us "related". it really that gross? I mean...if my grandfather hadn't been a douche and left my grandmother and her 3 kids and married Niomi, Josh's grandma, then him and I wouldn't be related.
I was still weirded out a little by this, so I talked to my parents...and my dad made it perfectly clear that it was ok for me to have feelings for him, cuase there is in no way a blood connection. He also went on to say that out of everyone in that family, Josh is the best son, hardest worker and such. And then my mother went on to say that I should invite him to dinner some night, lol. So...I guess the only barrier is the one in my mind and societies view.
He's a really great guy, yea he also just got out of jail due to robbery and has had trouble with pills in the past, but no one is perfect. He plays guitar, loves the beatles, sings, is a christian, loves to play and sing worship music, and is so much fun to be around. A little bit of a clown, but even so it's hard to not smile when he pretty much always is. It's contagious.
He does have a 4 year old daughter, but his ex is married to someone else. And she is such a cute little thing. I've been finging myself thinking, "I wouldn't mind being a step-mom to such a sweetheart" Did I mention his little girl is a redhead? lol, I know too flippin cute. Not the orange gross red, but adorable natural red. She's such a doll...and I haven't even met her. Just seen pictures and heard stories from her father.
And her father, Josh, is definately a devoted dad. Though his ex isn't letting him see her right now, it's pretty much all he talks about. He has such a good heart. I've always known that, but to really get to know him like this, makes my heart glad.
So...I don't know. I'll be completely happy to remain just friends/step cousins....but if something should happen....I don't know. What do you think? Is it too weird? Or should society go eff themselves? It's not like we'd have birth defected kids. THERE IS NO BLOOD CONNECTION!
So...I don't know. He's coming over later tonight with Justin. Justin, btw, who is also my step cousin, and I could also legally is just too weird. I grew up with him knowing him as my cousin, so that would just be too weird. But Josh I didn't find out was my step cousin until about a week ago. much running through my head, most of it is pointless, but still it runs through anyways.
Too bad my little O'Malley is asleep.
Gah, I need a distraction.