Apr 18, 2011 19:21

So I know I've talked a lot about my foot, but it's been hurting a lot.  Probably because I've been abusing it and not really letting it heal all they way. Infact it ten times worse feeling and the pain has definately spead because of it, are you suppossed to stay off your foot for like a week or two...when you're a mom of a toddler??? Kinda hard.

Gah, I hate the way Elissa's life has turned. I wish things were so different for her. I wish her husband wasn't such an ASS. Cause things were right there in there grasp, happiness. And he just...effing let it go because of his selfishness.

Well....I could rant about that all day and night and still have steam coming out of my ears, but it doesn't solve anything. Gr.

Oh well....

Oh! I HAVE A SECRET But of course as a secret it must remain very hush hush. lol, Elissa, I am being good. Though I did tell my mom, cause you said it was ok....but the reaction I got from her was...."Whose Elissa?' lol, yay age and deteriorating memmory. j/k...but her's does suck. After explaining she was more enthusiastic, though she didn't know who else I was talking about, having not met them, lol.

But cutting this short. padre is over and will probably want to work on his computer for a while. Night all.


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