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May 31, 2006 14:36

its been a while...
so lets talk about life.

overall, things are good.
getting everything set up for the baby.
ricky & my mom are totally stoked, and of course im getting more nervous with each passing day, butttt what do you expect, thats what i do, worry unecessarily.

ive been having lots of cramping and backaches annnnd i get up anywhere from at least 1-3 times everynight, either because im uncomfortable-or because i have to pee. soooo because my feet are always so swollen and i cant put them up at work, and my back hurts from sitting over a computer everyday-this friday will be my last day of work until probably july 25th. nice lil break.

our baby shower was awesome. my mom, sherry, beth & janet really did such a great job, everything looked perfect and the food was like orgasmic. beth did this whole dessert table and everyone was asking her for a business card like we hired her to cater ahaha.i met like all of janets family & rickys grandma finally-which was really nice. it was a good time, we got almost everything we needed and that girls got more clothes & shoes then me already and shes not even here yet.....

rickys been soooo adorable. the night of the baby shower he put together the stroller, bassinet & this bouncer seat. then the next day it was the crib. hes soooo excited and in a way in helps calm my nerves because i know going to the hospital all scared-with him and my mom being so excited-will keep me sane.

i really feel like i will go anytime now-the way these cramps and backaches have been-but the dr. didnt even check to see if i was dialated yet...he said next week, when im 39 weeks he will, because he said most first time moms deliver between 39-41 weeks. hes guessing her to be between 7 lbs 6 oz & 7 lbs 10 oz. the smaller the better for me... :)

welll i would update more but it feels like my BACK IS BREAKING right now....
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